FANA - Namutoni, Namibia
FANA stands for Namutoni, Namibia
Here you will find, what does FANA stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Namutoni, Namibia? Namutoni, Namibia can be abbreviated as FANA What does FANA stand for? FANA stands for Namutoni, Namibia. What does Namutoni, Namibia mean?Namutoni, Namibia is an expansion of FANA
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Alternative definitions of FANA
- Family Administered Neonatal Activities
- Federally Administered Northern Areas
- Federally Administered Northern Areas
- Namutoni airport
- Federation of Arab News Agencies
- Fairview Architectural North America
- Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists
View 11 other definitions of FANA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FARIPLP Fine Automation Robotics India Pvt Ltd Pune
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- FARL Farrell Corporation
- FARM Farmer Brothers Company
- FARM-Africa Food and Agricultural Research Management
- FARMER Forecasting Amateur Radio Maps and Effective Range
- FARMER%20MAC Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
- Farmers' Voice Krisoker Saar
- FARMHOUSE Faith Ambition Reverence Morality Honesty Obedience Unity Service and Excellence
- FARMING Farmer's
- FARMM Facility for Architectural Research in Media and Mediation
- FARMS Farming Agriculture And Resource Management For Sustainability
- FARNET Federation of American Research Networks
- FARO Faro Technology, Inc.
- FAR/DAR functional area requirement/data automation requirement
- FARP Forward Arming and Refueling Point
- FARPL Fitzroy Australia Resources Pty Ltd
- FARR FAA/Air Force radar replacement
- FARRP Forward-Area Rearming and Refuelling Point